Jefferson County Picnic

Terry Baker
David Earl
Rebecca Cooper
Charlene "Charlie" Jeffers
David J. Schryver

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 Always held on the first Monday in February at the Zephyrhills, Florida Lions Club
Lions Club
5827 Dean Dairy Road
Zephyrhills, Florida 33541
Our 2025 picnic
Due to a variety of circumstances, some of the officers have determined that it is necessary to cancel our 2025 picnic.  It is our intention at this time to "regroup" and plan for our 2026 event.

That picnic will be held on February 2, 2026.  We hope to see you all there.

The Jefferson County Picnic is an annual reunion/gathering of anyone living in Jefferson County, New York, or who came from or once lived in Jefferson County, New York and is in Florida at the time of the event.

The first "picnic" was held in 1953.  For several years, the event was actually a picnic.  Attendees brought their own lunches and the event was held outdoors.  Even though it is no longer a picnic, per se, the moniker has stuck.
Somewhere along the line, the event moved to an indoor venue and for many years has been held at the Zephyrhills Lions Club building.  During most of the this time, it was a covered dish event where participants brought a dish to pass.  Some people simply continued to bring their own lunch.

From 2017 through 2020, local businesses were contacted and donations received which allowed us to make it a catered event, basically at no cost to the participants.  The 2021 event was cancelled due to COVID.  Our 2022 event had to be postponed due to a physical plant problem at the Lions Club building.  It was held four weeks later than originally planned, on Monday, March 7, 2022. 

As of the 2023 event, we are returning to normal.  Doors traditionally open at 10 AM with lunch served around 12:00 after a social period.  Admission will be $5 to support the organization.  There are drawings, door prizes, raffles and entertainment.  Coffee is provided with lunch but attendees should bring any other beverages they would like.  Water and soda are available for purchase provided by the Lion's Club.

The Jefferson County Picnic on Facebook ...

Our association has both a Facebook page and a Facebook group.  The difference between these can be confusing.

A page is the official profile for a business or organization.  Posts made are public and only administrator(s) can make these posts on the "Home" section of the profile, although the "Posts" section will display comments made by others.

A group is a place for "small group communication and for people to share their common interests and express their opinion."  Our group is closed which means you must become a member.  Simply click on the "Join" button under the cover photo.  Once an administrator sees the request and recognizes that the person has a link to Jefferson County, the application will be allowed.  Members can make posts on the group page.

Links to both the page and group are available near the top of this page.

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